Holiday Traditions (and a Turkey Trot)

Holidays can be a time of great joy or great angst for people. It’s often forgotten that others may feel differently about a holiday than others and I want to take a moment (as a person experiencing great change) to encourage patience and understanding for those that experience change, are forced into new traditions, or walk willingly into new traditions.

Thanksgiving has always been my most favorite of holidays. My kids ask me why it’s not Christmas and my answer is simple: Thanksgiving is one day that is set aside to be grateful and appreciative of what we have. It’s not about getting stuff or giving stuff–it’s an opportunity to truly sit back and be thankful for what we have (and sometimes, what we do not have). We are taking time to celebrate what we cherish the most (and watch some football…just sayin). Today is the first day since their birth that I do not celebrate Thanksgiving with them. That kinda sucks. But I’m blessed beyond measure that God chose me to be their mom and them to be my kids–so I suck it up and focus on what’s working.

I ran a 5k this morning and felt the loving embrace of many friends encouraging me to go for it and congratulating me at its completion. Some people I’ve not seen in years and some are new presences in my life. Blessings. I ran the 5k and did not stop to walk or rest during my run–for the first time. Blessings. I finished in under 30 minutes (also for the first time). Blessings. I saw many parents there with their children–setting an example of making fitness a priority and showing them that it can be fun, too. Blessings. I walked/ran home to my rental house where my chocolate lab greeted me. Blessings. I kept my iPod in and slowly dragged my Christmas decorations from my garage into my house so I can prep for Christmas tomorrow when my boys are home. Blessings. I met some friends for a brief bit–many of whom I’ve not seen in YEARS. Blessings. I came home and nestled on my couch with my dog and napped while the Lions played their typical football game. Blessings (mostly…if you follow the Lions you’re picking up what I’m throwing down). I cooked my Thanksgiving dinner for one and ate until I was stuffed. Blessings. Second nap on my couch with my dog. Blessings. Now, I’m out the door to hang with those friends that I spent a brief bit of time with earlier today. Blessings.

I could spend a lot of time being bitter, resentful, and whiny. But….why?!?!?!? There’s so much to be thankful for if you’re looking for it. I choose to look for it.

Traditions are amazing. They’re wonderful. They’re that tattered, comfy, favorite sweater that you pull out of the back of your closet to snuggle into on a lazy Sunday. But they exist only because you revive them and repeat them time and again. Should you choose to mix it up–those traditions quickly fall and dissipate into memories beginning with, “Do you remember when we used to….?” That’s okay. It’s absolutely fine to mix it up and try different things and create your own traditions. Me? I’ll likely add the Turkey Trot to my holiday traditions.

If you’re experiencing changes in your life, I encourage you to embrace the opportunity to make new traditions that work for you. You might get it right the first time; you might need to tweak it. You might find yourself in a completely different position next year than this year and you won’t be able to repeat the tradition you thought you created. Regardless, try to find a way to embrace change and be patient and tolerant of those that are still adjusting to their own changes in their life. Most importantly: Count your blessings. Happy Thanksgiving!

beachbody, BeachBody Coach, Divorce, emotions, holiday traditions, iPod, Marriage, music, relationships, run, running, traverse city, turkey trot, workout


I'm a 44-year old mom of 2 boys that are 10 & 7. I built my business while working full time and have my own business with Beachbody...a company that changed my life for the best. I love to point out the obvious. People amuse and amaze me. I have a cape and tights that I typically misplace but I'll leap from the tall building anyway, and figure it out on my way down. The joy in life is the journey.

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