Believe in me…cuz I often don’t

Believe in me because I often do not

I just ran my first 5k without stopping. This was HUGE for me. HUGE. And when I say “just” I mean on Thanksgiving…a few days ago. Imagine my surprise when I found myself in line to sign up for the Bayshore half-marathon that will be held on May 26, 2012. How did this happen, you ask? Why would I make such a leap from finally running 3 miles without stopping to committing to a 13 mile run?

Because no one told me that I couldn’t.

We all have voices in our heads. Voices that

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Holiday Traditions (and a Turkey Trot)

Holidays can be a time of great joy or great angst for people. It’s often forgotten that others may feel differently about a holiday than others and I want to take a moment (as a person experiencing great change) to encourage patience and understanding for those that experience change, are forced into new traditions, or walk willingly into new traditions.

Thanksgiving has always been my most favorite of holidays. My kids ask me why it’s not Christmas and my answer is simple: Thanksgiving is one day that is set aside to be grateful and appreciative of what we have. It’s not about getting stuff or giving stuff–it’s an opportunity to truly sit back and be thankful for what we have (and sometimes, what we do not have). We are taking time to

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Friends. The family we get to choose


The people that we individually selected and asked to join our lives because we believed our lives would be better if they were in them. Most friends make us better; some make us worse; and some make us great. My guess is that if you absolutely HAD to put a label on your friends/family you’d know who is an asset and who is not. The real challenge comes when you have to take action on those labels.

I have looked around my inner circle and I’m saddened by those that

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Beachbody Insanity Decide you’re doing it Then do it

Excuses to skip a workout or knowingly make a bad food choice can be come by easily. The hard part comes in when you have to push those choices aside and make the right choice–even though it’s hard. Deciding you want to be healthier/thinner/faster/stronger and then taking action to get you there–that’s where the money is. You can have it–if you want it. You have to decide that what you want most matters more than what you think you want right at this moment.

Pass the bowl of candy (even though you think you want it right now) and grab a piece of fruit (because it will get you to your goal a whole lot faster).

Decide you want it.

Then go get it.

Stacey Hanna

Building Muscle to Burn Fat – “Bring it!” – P90X MC2 Upper Body X

Hey it’s Stacey.  I am gonna try to do, P90X MC2 Upper Body X.

It’s the One-on-One Workout and about an hour long. There are some props involved in this one. I do not know how successful I am going to be, but I want to give it my best. So we’ll see how it goes!

0:31 Start Workout P90X MC2 Upper Body X. Building Muscle to Burn Fat Bring it! P90X MC2 Upper Body X
1:09 Monologue

I chose to lift weights today because I know I am losing muscle mass because all I have done is cardio for-ever. I needed to add my strength back into the workout. I typically wear a “body-bug” which is on my arm. You have seen it if you have watched my videos or you know me in life:

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