Building Muscle to Burn Fat – “Bring it!” – P90X MC2 Upper Body X

Hey it’s Stacey.  I am gonna try to do, P90X MC2 Upper Body X.

It’s the One-on-One Workout and about an hour long. There are some props involved in this one. I do not know how successful I am going to be, but I want to give it my best. So we’ll see how it goes!

0:31 Start Workout P90X MC2 Upper Body X. Building Muscle to Burn Fat Bring it! P90X MC2 Upper Body X
1:09 Monologue

I chose to lift weights today because I know I am losing muscle mass because all I have done is cardio for-ever. I needed to add my strength back into the workout. I typically wear a “body-bug” which is on my arm. You have seen it if you have watched my videos or you know me in life:

1:16 The BodyBugg measures how many calories I burn in any given activity and it keeps track of how many calories I burn in the day.

And I am watching that number slowly getting lower and lower and lower and it is because I am losing muscle.

1:32 Muscle Burns Fat

The more muscle you have the more calories you burn in your normal, everyday activities. So while I am sitting at my desk, I burn more calories if I have more muscle.

1:40 So ladies… please don’t even begin to tell me you don’t want to lift weights because you don’t want to get a manly physique.

Don’t even go there with me. The amount of work that you would have to do to get to a body-builder, manly physique, is intense.  You are fighting genetics on that one.  Do not be worried about it. You are not going to wake up one day and suddenly be RIPPED!  It takes time over time.  When you get to a point when you are happy and comfortable with your physique, just don’t make your weights any heavier (but keep lifting!) and you’ll maintain that without getting too big.

2:16 Form Matters more than anything else when lifting weights

If you feel your form start to slip, lower your weight, stop the exercise, or modify.

Now when I was previewing this video, there were a lot of things that I thought, ‘There’s no way that I could do…”  But when I actually did the workout, I tried them. I was very happy to find I could do a lot more than I thought. You might find that, too.

2:37 Take your comfort zones in your life and just nudge ’em.

Just push them a little bit.  Try just a little bit different today than you have done before. See what you are made of…

Next Steps:


beachbody, bodybug, bodybugg, brazil butt lift, Bring It, cardio forever, insanity, middle age woman, mom with kids workout, P90X MC2, stacey hanna workout, Turbo Fire, Upper Body X, women workout, workout with P90X

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