What would you do if you became a Beachbody Coach?

What would you do if you became a Beachbody Coach?

What do Beachbody Coaches get from the business? What’s in it for them? Does it really work? Will it pay off? Allow me to encourage you to check out the video first before reading along.


What would you do if you had a few extra hundo a month?

If you had a few extra hundred bucks a month, what would you do with it? Tithe? Volunteer? Pay off a credit card faster? Spend time with your family and not feel guilty or strained from the financial weight? Get a second car? Get a better car? Contribute to a retirement fund? What if…

What would you do if you had a few extra grand a month?

Now that your mind is traveling at warp speed down oh-my-gosh-wouldn’t-it-be-cool-if lane, let’s amp it up a bit. What if your work that earned you a few hundo multiplied and you started earning 4 digits in a month? NOW

How much money would it take a week to fire your boss?
How much money would it take a week to fire your boss?

what would life look like? Would you vacation more during the year? Would you vacation BETTER during the year? Would you shovel out of debt faster? What would your family life look like? Would you be home when your kids got off the bus?  What if…

Final Question. What would you do if you had a few extra grand A WEEK?

Yeah…I went there. This is an important question. If you can imagine your life with a few extra grand a week from a “thing you do part-time” imagine what life would be like. Would you quit your full-time gig? Pay off your house? Pay off your car(s)? Give generously to charities that you feel passionate about? Volunteer in your kid’s classroom? Support your parents? Pay for orthodontics? Donate a car? What if…

Beyond the money

Well beyond the money is the LIFE that comes with being a successful Beachbody Coach. The  lives that are changed for the better. The incredible, happy, fun-loving people that you partner with along the way. The reward trips. The training. The personal development. The stories. Oh my word–the stories. I absolutely love the phone calls, text messages, and emails that I get from happy clients that are wearing their skinny clothes, that are ten pounds lighter, that have added beautiful muscle and feel more confident in their clothes, that have dropped below the danger zone where their cholesterol is concerned and can get off meds, and the ones that are involving their children in their new path to wellness. Yes, the money and incentives are incredible in Beachbody but, in my opinion, the real wealth is in the lives that I’ve positively impacted. What if…

If you’re ready, I’m ready. Reach out and let’s get you started today.



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I'm a 44-year old mom of 2 boys that are 10 & 7. I built my business while working full time and have my own business with Beachbody...a company that changed my life for the best. I love to point out the obvious. People amuse and amaze me. I have a cape and tights that I typically misplace but I'll leap from the tall building anyway, and figure it out on my way down. The joy in life is the journey.

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