Tag: shaun t

I talk to myself. A lot.

Talk to myself 2015

I talk to myself. A lot. Maybe I’m alone in this (and am okay with that if it’s indeed true) but … maybe…just maybe; you will relate? I talk to myself. A lot. This

Talk to myself 1975
Talk to myself 1975

morning I’m out mowing the lawn and my current version of me is telling my younger version of me what I coulda shoulda woulda done for a better today. Stuff like I should have made different

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Wanted to Skip Working Out Today

We just finished T25 Speed. T25 is already an incredible workout but this particular workout is amazing. Shaun T has you doing a move, and then you work on getting faster. You are focusing so much on the speed and moves, it keeps me out of my head.

We talked about not doing a workout today because it was the fourth of July-HAPPY FORTH OF JULY!! The 25 minutes though gets me every time because everyone has 25 minutes.


Want to check out my youtube video on this blog?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-T2AL5sXZrEWanted to Skip Working Out

Fight Song

I love fight songs. It started back in high school where we would sing loud and proud to “We Will Rock You” at football games. We’d stomp our feet, clap our hands, and sing the fight song with every piece of energy we had. We bonded. We united. We became “us” in the land of us against them. Fight songs rule. The players on the field would hear the crowds roaring in encouragement and feed off the energy and fight for the final goal. Fight for the win.

My current "fight song"
My current “fight song”

Historically, Eminem, Katy Perry, Rhianna, Sara Evans and a few others have joined the voices in my head with their fight songs. But

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Focus T25 Day 1

Today was Day 1 of T25 Cardio! I shared on FB my before picture which was not the greatest feeling in the world. The reason it was uncomfortable because it shows all the bad decisions I made. Today though, I woke up feeling good. Why? Because I had prepped my food and knew I was waking up to press play.

We are all on this journey. I am not here to judge but to help you. So if you need some help or encouragement, let me know.


Want information or have questions.  Please do not hesitate to comment below.  I am here to answer anything you need.

Focus T25 is Here and You Don’t Want to Miss Out!!

My peer Coach, Melissa, had the awesome opportunity to be in a T25 test group, which is a new program by the creator/trainer of Insanity Shaun T. She did this workout 25 minutes a day, 5 days a week, followed the nutrition guide and got RESULTS!!! 21 pounds and 14 inches in less than 2 MONTHS!!! There is no gimmick, just COMMITMENT!! Its just 25 minutes a day!!

I want to help a small group of committed individuals get these same results. Space is limited and so is time. When the spots are filled, I won’t be doing another for a little while. It is officially released TODAY and I will have a special link if you want to be part of this exclusive Challenge Group. IT’S ABOUT TIME so LET’S DO THIS! Let me know if you want the link!! Message me “I WANT THE LINK”. I will message you back ASAP.

These pics were taken before she started, 25 Days in, and after day 50 … less than 2 months!!! Don’t miss out on this opportunity!! You can do this. I want to help you do the same!!







What would you do if you became a Beachbody Coach?

What would you do if you became a Beachbody Coach?

What do Beachbody Coaches get from the business? What’s in it for them? Does it really work? Will it pay off? Allow me to encourage you to check out the video first before reading along.


What would you do if you had a few extra hundo a month?

If you had a few extra hundred bucks a month, what would you do

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