Insanity Asylum Need help? Reach out.

2 for Tuesday KILLS me.

Yesterday we did Insanity Asylum Speed and Agility in the Morning. Then at Fit Club we did Insanity Pure Cardio and Insanity Insane Abs. Let’s just say last night we were a sweaty mess!

Needless to say, it’s been harder to get going and get today’s workout done! Thankfully, today is Asylum Strength!

Message of the Day: This week, I have learned that if I need something from someone, it’s my responsibilty to ask that person. It’s ridiculous to expect a person to know you need them without saying something to them. It’s not okay for me to be mad at a person who has not reached out to you. You need to reach out to a person and let them know you need them. Once you do that and they don’t reach out-yes you can be mad.

So if you need something from someone-reach out to them!

Insanity Asylum Abs are improving already

Today is Take Two of Speed and Agility.

Even though it’s been five day, I can feel my abs working. This is awesome because this program is already working. If you show up and put in the work, results will come.

Often times since we work out in the morning and I do it on an empty stomach. Sometimes though I need something to get going. Results & Recovery is something I use right after working out. I use it doing my workout that helps me get through a cardio workout.

Body Beast FAQs for women that do not wanna look like men

Most women don’t want to look like dudes. Let’s talk about this because this belief means many women won’t lift heavy weights because they are fearful of looking like men, looking too manly, or that their main squeeze won’t find them as attractive anymore. I just finished 90-days of lifting heavy–body builder style–and want to talk to you about what my concerns were and how they played out. If, after watching the video, you still have questions hit me up. I’d love to help clarify.

The video is longer than I prefer them to be–but I think you’ll find it interesting and useful–so go ahead and give it a try.

Areas that I struggled with and address in the video: eating enough calories, my relationship with my scale, how having muscle and adding mass effected my daily life, how my body responded to the additional muscle, how I feel about my new physique, what I’m doing next (and why).

Body Beast is meant for anyone who wants to add mass and muscle. It’s meant for people that have a relatively healthy relationship with the scale and with food. It’s meant for people that may have perceived themselves as a body builder in a previous life or have just wondered what in the heck lifting was all about. It’s meant for current and former gym rats (you can easily plug the DVD into a laptop/player and take it to the gym).

Especially considering ALL of the reservations I held going into this program–I found it to be a great program and meant for men, women, athletes, body builders, skinny dudes, buff dudes, women that want to be able to eat more and not freak out about their body burning the calories, women that have kids, women that buy groceries, and women that have dogs.

Don’t believe me? Watch my videos. Then you’ll know the truth.

Hit me up with comments/questions/feedback. You know I love it!

Stacey Hanna

Insanity Asylum Back to Core Find program that works for you

When you have a day off, there is an upside and downside concerning your workout.

Upside: You do not have to get it done at a certain time

Downside: Making sure you press play.

Today was a day off and it’s almost 5pm and you guess it…I have not worked out yet. It’s at the point: You either do it or not!

Point of the Story: Stick to your routine!

Today is Asylum Back to Core

If you are interested in starting a Beachbody Workout program?

I need a few things from you:
1. How much time a day do you have to workout?
2. How many days out of the week will you workout?
3. What kind of workout do you like?
4. What are your goals?

Body Beast JOURNAL! Growth is more than only muscular

I went to login in my workout in WOWY gym hoping to see a rest day coming up. We have been working out for 5 days in a row…a rest day must be coming right? WRONG! This week, we work out 7 days in a row.

So instead of whining about it, I am going to suck it up! Today is Bulk Back!

I have mentioned workout sheets before…but today it seemed like they were more of curse. Looking at my workout sheets, I knew I had to elevate my weights. I did not want to but I made myself.

So glad I keep track of things like this because today I found myself being able to get through a set.

Body Beast Get your workout in!!!! Even if it’s hard

Evening Workout…blah…because of hitting the snooze button 16 times.

Today is Body Beast Build Chest and Tri’s. We have only done this workout twice. I love how we can go back and mix up the workouts.

These workouts are intense but I LOVE IT! One of the things I did different today flexing the muscle while lifting. It helps with giving a deeper growth. I learned this tip from my Body Beast Challenge group on Facebook.

Since starting Body Beast two weeks ago, I am down another inch in my waist. This is part of the Shred section, so this is a good thing!

Goodbye Fluff!