Focus T25 is Here and You Don’t Want to Miss Out!!

My peer Coach, Melissa, had the awesome opportunity to be in a T25 test group, which is a new program by the creator/trainer of Insanity Shaun T. She did this workout 25 minutes a day, 5 days a week, followed the nutrition guide and got RESULTS!!! 21 pounds and 14 inches in less than 2 MONTHS!!! There is no gimmick, just COMMITMENT!! Its just 25 minutes a day!!

I want to help a small group of committed individuals get these same results. Space is limited and so is time. When the spots are filled, I won’t be doing another for a little while. It is officially released TODAY and I will have a special link if you want to be part of this exclusive Challenge Group. IT’S ABOUT TIME so LET’S DO THIS! Let me know if you want the link!! Message me “I WANT THE LINK”. I will message you back ASAP.

These pics were taken before she started, 25 Days in, and after day 50 … less than 2 months!!! Don’t miss out on this opportunity!! You can do this. I want to help you do the same!!





Ultimate Reset Day 3 Down 1 belt notch!

Ultimate Reset Day 3 and I’m down a belt notch! WOOOO HOOOOO!!!! GIDDY UP! I’ll take giving up caffeine and take on making myself eat for those results. How cool is THAT? I’ve no clue if I’ve lost a pound but…does it really matter if the scale moved when my belt notch is moving? Do I give a flying flip what my scale says when I feel great about whittling my middle? Heck no! Clearly, my body is clearly heading further down the path of Ultimate Reset as the aches and pains have settled in as well as my belly flattening out. The aches and pains are the toxins making some noise on their way out of my body but I expected it so I’m okay with it (for the most part).

Energy and Brain Function

Good news! My energy level is naturally rising and my brain cloud is dissipating. Now, this will have an ebb and flow to it and there will be great days and not so great days but today is a good day.

Water, Water, and More Water

Yup. I’m still holding strong at 160-200 ounces of distilled water seasoned with Himalayan Sea Salt daily. Why am I drinking my water this way? It’s in the rules. Duh. Okay, that’s only most of the reason. The rest of the reason is at my blog–go visit it for more info at

Food is Fuel

This isn’t just some alliteration or fun slogan. It’s the truth. Your body literally runs off what you put in it–and what you don’t. My body is already thanking me by increasing my energy and letting me drop a belt notch. Want to get this for yourself? I’d be honored to help you find successes. Let me know when you’re ready–I’ll be here.

Hit me up with comments and questions. See ya tomorrow!

Ultimate Reset Day 2 Grumpy Gal

Ultimate Reset Day 2 No Caffeine (I’m Grumpy Gal)

We recommend starting Ultimate Reset on a Wednesday if you’re a Monday — Friday kinda person because days 3 — 5 tend to be pretty brutal on most people. If you’re not a Monday — Friday type of person, then adjust with the understanding that most struggle with days 3 — 5. Me? I am special. I started being grumpy on Day 2. Well, not really…I mean I’m not postal or anything (yet) I am just short on patience right now. I’m grumpy. Giving up all of my favorite vices in one fell swoop is difficult at best. No caffeine. No exercise. No caffeine. No binge eating. No white wine. No caffeine. Did I mention no caffeine? (I’ll get into that topic more later…). Anyhoooooo, it’s okay that I don’t have the kids this weekend as my patience appears to have left the building. It’s an odd sensation, really. Knowing that I am totally overreacting yet not being able to easily reign that in. A lot of deep breathing exercises (which the guide book says is a good idea anyway, if you’re grumpy. Er, emotional. Yeah, that’s the word).

Grumpy Toxins Releasing

A side effect of the Ultimate Reset is how the toxins leave your body. This will vary between people but the toxins are coming out one way or another.

Happy Food

You might be wondering about the food. One made-up word for ya: YUMMOLICIOUS!! I mean..check out the pictures!


Yeah, by far giving up the caffeine is hardest for me and today was not my best day.

Please go visit my blog for more details and info

Questions? Comments? You know I love ’em. Hit me up!

Thanks for watching!

Ultimate Reset Day 1 Fat Girl Pants

Ultimate Reset Day 1 is a success! Well, at the end of Day 1, I can tell you it is a success and I can also tell you it did NOT start out that way. You see, I took my measurements, weight, body fat and PHOTOS at the start of the day. Sigh. What a depressing moment that is. I’m the heaviest I’ve been in years and wearing my fat girl pants and NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT. Maybe you can relate? Do you have a range of sizes to choose from in your closet or are do you only have one size of clothing in your closet? I have a range. My range is what many of you would consider “thin” but I have no problem telling you that when I’m squeezing into the highest size in my spectrum, I feel anything but thin. It’s such a bad mental game. It’s even more out-of-body when I hear women pay me a compliment regarding my figure. I stand there for a moment looking at them and wondering, “Is she seriously talking to me? Is she being sarcastic?” and then look over my shoulder to see if she’s talking to someone behind me. Sigh. We have such a perception of what the “perfect woman” is supposed to look like and unfortunately come up short all too often. Crazy, right? Anyhoo, there I am in a two-piece swim suit that used to fit a LOT more flattering with my measurements and weight fresh on my mind while I pose for my “before” picture. Sigh. At this writing, I’ve not looked at them yet. I felt so sad…so defeated. And, you know what? THAT IS CRAP. People are NOT meant to feel that way about themselves. Ever. Period. I don’t care what size you are–loving who you are is so important. For me, my issues with my current size are due to my choices. I know better yet don’t DO better. That’s why I ‘m here my friends. That’s why I’m at Day 1 of Ultimate Reset. So I can make better choices with the knowledge I have. I think it’s more that every time I squeeze into jeans I remember the far too many times I ate out, ate poorly, drank too much, skipped meals, and more of my typical shenanigans.


Why Ultimate Reset

I choose this program above all others because it’s so regimented there’s no room for dialogue. My brain and I cannot get into a tug of war over which food to eat/not eat cuz it’s all spelled out there in the dang book. Day 1 Phase 1 Breakfast, Lunch, Snack, and Dinner. What to drink. When to drink it. When not to drink it. When to take your supplements. What the supplements do for me. Oh yeah, my friend. We’re talking Food 101 here. If you’re looking for a Nutritional Boot Camp–here it is, friend. And this, right now, is EXACTLY what I need. There is even a YouTube video produced by Beachbody to help you prep every single meal. How cool is that?

Critic, Coach or Cheerleader

I was rocking out to Body Beast: Bulk Chest this morning and was thinking of you and this message so I figured God wanted me to share it…here we go.

We’ve all got voices in our heads (some more than others and you’ll probably actually hear me conversing with mine but I digress) and I want to talk about a couple of them for a moment. My therapist gave me this tool years ago and I love it and wanted to share with you in case it blesses you. If you pay any attention to me at all, you know that I know that who we are begins with what we think.

Your thoughts become words that you tell yourself…your mouth speaks them…your feet hear them and then follow them. You are, in fact, what you think.

Which of the 3 voices you listen to is extremely important as to how you feel about yourself and in turn treat others. The critic is picky and never satisfied. The critic will find fault in all and is very vocal about their findings. The cheerleader thinks you’re the best thing since sliced bread and can’t say enough nice things about you. The cheerleader RAVES about your awesomeness and tells the world. The coach is in between the two–finding what you did well, sharing an opportunity for improvement, then swatting you on the butt and sending you back onto the field.

Which voice you listen to is your choice.

Yes, you read that correctly. YOU choose which one you listen to and how much time and real estate you give them in your mind. Choose wisely.

Do me a favor, would you? Please post a question for me in the area of fitness or nutrition. Something you’re struggling with or need help with and I’ll see if I can answer you or support you. I figure maybe you’re looking for a cheerleader? Give me a legit question and I’ll put your name in for a drawing of a cool prize. That’s cool, right? Drawing will be done on or around 6/1/13. You know I love to hear from you so…let me see if I can help you in return.

Have a blessed day!

Stacey Hanna

Do you need a push to get your mind right?

Sometimes we need a push. Sometimes we need a pull. Sometimes we need a hug. It’s all good (and it all varies). If you’ve got an event coming up and need a bit of support–that’s what I’m here for. If you don’t have an event coming up but are just sick and tired of generally feeling sick and tired–I can help with that, too.

This is more than a number on a scale. This is more than a jean size. This is about how you feel about you. How you feel living inside your own skin.

I’d be honored to help you feel good about all of it. Let me know if you’d like that, too.

Stacey Hanna