Author: stacey

I'm a 44-year old mom of 2 boys that are 10 & 7. I built my business while working full time and have my own business with Beachbody...a company that changed my life for the best. I love to point out the obvious. People amuse and amaze me. I have a cape and tights that I typically misplace but I'll leap from the tall building anyway, and figure it out on my way down. The joy in life is the journey.

21 Day Fix Day 0

Beachbody has a new program called the 21 Day Fix. Some of you may of heard of it and may have questions like “What is this all about?” I am here to give you the run down of the program.

Here is a run down:

patent-portion control system (using containers)
30 minute workouts (one for each day of the week)
simple instructions for how, what, and when to eat (no guess work)
and major results (10-15 pounds in 21 days)

The eating part is simple.  The system’s colored containers used for protein, carbs, veggies, and fruit eliminates the need for calorie counting. If it fits into the container and is on the list, you can have it. Eat whatever you want as long as it is one the list. You can also mix and match your containers throughout the day…eating them when you choose. The program even allows for a glass of wine and a couple small pieces of chocolate from time to time because we all need the occasional indulgence.

This is an awesome program for dialing in both fitness and nutrition. If you are interested, let’s chat further before you order so I can make sure I am connected as your coach!


Turbo Fire | Workout Therapy

Turbo Fire | Workout Therapy

Turbo Fire is Workout Therapy. Life can get challenging. Difficult. Overwhelming at times and we all have our own ways of coping. My vice when life gets hard? Turbo Fire. Yeah yeah yeah…I have bad habits too but when I am in that bad of a slump Turbo Fire seems to set me right. There’s something magical of punching the hell out of the air and kicking the snot out of the wind all the while hearing a powerful voice tell you that you’re doing a great job and that you can do more and a funky beat in the backgroun. That’s what Chalene Johnson does for me; encourages me to do more.

Life is life. Death is a part of life. I get that. And yes, my Aunt Bea was in her 80s but do not even….for one second….expect that some half-hearted condolences of “she lived a good life” will be enough to fill that void. Instead, allow me to suggest you simply offer, “I’m so sorry” and leave the person to their grief. But I digress…

Beachbody programs are more than an exercise program. They’re a lifestyle change–if you let it happen. It’s about building relationships and linking together to change as many lives for the better along the way. We’re about offering hope. We’re about mobilizing people to go after their dreams–both physically by working out and mentally by breaking through barriers in their lives.

If you have barriers and are looking for a way out…if you’re looking to improve how you look on the outside to match how you feel on the inside…if you’re looking to find a group of people that have linked arms and are working toward changing lives–one life at a time—then join us. We’re here to help you change your life–if you let us.

I’d be honored to help you on your way.

Stacey Hanna

Who am I?

Who am I? Well, I’m flawed. I goof up. I miss workouts. I eat poorly from time-to-time. I do not quit. I brush myself off and get back up on the horse as I know that God intended a life of abundance for me and that means I need to be responsible with the gifts He’s already given me—my health being one of them. My goal is to help you get results, too. Weight loss, weight gain, muscle gain, better nutrition, higher water intake, more activities with the family, whatever you’re looking for, really. My goal is to share my experiences, listen to yours. Offer stories that you may find relatable and link arms and keep moving forward.

I’m a 42-year-old mom of 2 amazing boys that are 8 & 6 years old (Thing 1 & Thing 2). I work full-time in a professional career and have a business with Beachbody, the people responsible for P90X, Insanity, Turbo, Brazil Butt Lift and more. I started out as a customer and fell in love with the results I got from working out at home and had to tell everyone I knew about how awesome it was when lo & behold I ended up making money simply by sharing what works for me and millions of others.

I workout most days of the week and will often record portions of the workout along with my musings and meanderings. Devil Dog will often be lurking in the background sprawled out on the couch observing our antics and you’ll usually see my fiancée working out with me. We’ve found as a couple it is pretty cool to workout together as it’s a unique layer of accountability when the alarm starts screaming at 4:30 am and we’ll often drag the other out of bed to go push play. If I can get the boys to join in I will as family fitness is so fun and important.

Okay. That’s enough about me. What about you? What are your goals? What works for you? Where do you struggle?

Let’s link up! Subscribe/follow and share your journey with me and let’s work together to get results. Share with a friend and get them involved, too. Let’s do this!


Want to see more?

Pineapple Chicken Burritos

You’re busy, right? I know I am. With 2 young sons, an amazing relationship with the man I’ll marry July 2014, a full-time career, my own business, and an active social life; time goes quickly. We’ve spent some time with our crock pot to try to find meals that at least hit the healthy scale and here’s one that was a raging success with us. It tastes great and re-heats well. We loved it.

Pineapple Chicken Burritos


  • 3 fresh or frozen chicken breasts
  • ½ (20-ounce) can crushed pineapple, drained
  • 1 (15-ounce) cans black beans, rinsed and drained
  • 1 cups medium salsa
  • 5-6 burrito sized flour tortillas
  • 1 (10 oz) can green enchilada sauce
  • 1 cups shredded cheddar/Monterey jack blend
  • 1 cup cooked rice


  1. Place the chicken, pineapple, beans, and salsa in a gallon size ziplog freezer bag. Zip close and place in freezer. When ready to use thaw in fridge for 24 hours.
  2. Empty contents into crock-pot and cook on low for 6 to 8 hours. Remove the chicken and shred. Mix the chicken back into the crock pot with the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Mix in the cooked rice.
  4. Fill 5-6 of the burrito tortillas. Place in in a 9×13 pan. Pour 1 can of the green enchilada sauce over the burritos.
  5. Top with 1 cup of the shredded cheese and place under the broiler on the middle rack until the cheese is nice and melted. About 5 minutes.

To make it a bit healthier feel free to use fresh pineapple, cook your own beans, skip the tortilla and use brown rice or use a whole grain tortilla or atop a bed of brown rice.  It’s a fan favorite and we’ll make it again. Feel free to compile all of the ingredients and put them in a freezer Ziploc container (remember to date it) and then pull it out and drop it in the crock pot on your way out the door. Eating better doesn’t have to be time consuming or cost you in flavor.

Our days are busy so to be able to put it in the crockpot and head off to work then pull it together in time to eat before bed & bath time is priceless. Enjoy!

**recipe adapted from MommysFabulousFinds

Today’s Burning Bushes




Exodus 3:1-17 talks about how God used a burning bush to get Moses to pay attention to Him, gather His people, and get the heck out of Egypt. Moses balked a little as he didn’t fancy himself to be a powerful orator and God told Moses to shut up and follow His word (my interpretation). Pretty powerful stuff, right? Moses is just hanging out herding sheep and SHA-ZAAM! A burning bush is in his path.

God still speaks to us. He still tells us what to do and I call them burning bushes. Why do I do this? Cuz I like imagery and the story is powerful so it’s a cool combination. I mean, here’s Moses telling God that he can’t do His bidding as Moses lacked speaking skills. That’s hilarious to me cuz who in their right mind is gonna argue with God?

Oh wait. I do. All. The. Time.

God speaks in whispers at first. You’ll have a gut instinct to make a decision and you ignore it. Then you might have a dream about it and still take no action. Then perhaps you’ll see repeating numbers that make you take notice and yet no action. Then you’ll start hearing the same message said in different ways over a couple of days by your friends, family, coworkers, and the check-out person at Target. If you still don’t heed Him, if you continue to ignore Him, He will continue to talk to you until you sit up and pay heed—I call these burning bushes.

For instance, say you have a job that is not fulfilling or even interferes with your relationship with God. You have a feeling you should quit, but you’re not confident you’ll find another job or be able to pay bills so you tell that feeling to take a hike and argue logistics with it until it quiets. Then you’ll have a few REALLY bad days at work. Yet still you’re scared so you take no action. Then perhaps you’re on Facebook and you read about a job opportunity that might be perfect for you but you tell yourself your current job is fine and you ignore the message yet again. God doesn’t like to be argued with or ignored—He likes to be submitted to—so you go to work on Friday only to find out that you no longer have a job (downsizing, performance issues, whatever). You’ve ignored His burning bushes SO MANY TIMES that He had to insert Himself into your life forcing you onto the path He has created for you.

Friend, where are the burning bushes in your life? What are you being called to do and yet resisting? Moses STRUGGLED with submission. His entire life he went back and forth arguing with God in his thoughts, words, and actions. When he finally did submit, God blessed him and his family tremendously. God had a life of abundance for Moses but needed Moses to submit. He has a life of abundance for you and he needs you to submit. Where are you inserting your will over His? Where are you going left when He’s told you to go right? I encourage you to pray and submit. Walk in Faith. He’s got the coolest life of abundance waiting for you but you have to do work to get there—you have to walk to Him. You have the God given right of free-will and He needs you to choose Him and follow him—even when you’re fearful. Heck, ESPECIALLY when you’re fearful. Walk in Faith, friend. You’re on God’s team—victory is meant to be yours

New Non Vegan Strawberry Shakeology

Whether you are a bit of sweet-tooth, or you want to enjoy slight sugary temptations during the mid-day, this New Shakeology flavor is a must-have for you.

It’s the new Non Vegan Strawberry Shakeology. It’s light and full of berry goodness.

Who doesn’t like a cup full of berry goodness AND dense nutrition.

Even better news is that you can now get a Neapolitan combo pack, with Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry. This is a great way to drink Shakeology and add some variety to your normal routine!

If you’re ready to take control of your health, let’s talk about your goals! Reach out to me so we can discuss your current situation and how we can fit Shakeology in for you.

