Tag: traverse city

Commitment. Triathlon in Traverse City MI

Me with my boys after last year's triathlon
Me with my boys after last year’s triathlon

DANG IT!!! I did it again. I committed to doing the Traverse City Triathlon then decided I wasn’t going to do it. Then, at the last minute, decided I was going to do it. This would be fine if I was talking about a commitment to mow the lawn, volunteer at a soup kitchen, or recycle every week. Not so much when the commitment is a triathlon. Yet, that’s what I did.

I am a pusher. I challenge people. I get them to do crap they normally wouldn’t do because…let’s face it…we’re all a bunch of insecure chickens at heart. We typically talk ourselves out of doing something long before we’ve even attempted to try it. I believe in you. I know you can do more (and yes, I mean you) than

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Holiday Traditions (and a Turkey Trot)

Holidays can be a time of great joy or great angst for people. It’s often forgotten that others may feel differently about a holiday than others and I want to take a moment (as a person experiencing great change) to encourage patience and understanding for those that experience change, are forced into new traditions, or walk willingly into new traditions.

Thanksgiving has always been my most favorite of holidays. My kids ask me why it’s not Christmas and my answer is simple: Thanksgiving is one day that is set aside to be grateful and appreciative of what we have. It’s not about getting stuff or giving stuff–it’s an opportunity to truly sit back and be thankful for what we have (and sometimes, what we do not have). We are taking time to

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