Sagi Kalev got to meet the Things at a Beachbody Super Saturday event

Creator of Body Beast Sagi Kalev got to meet the Things! Thing 1 is totally star struck by Sagi and is a complete fan!!

Today we traveled to Alpena, MI for Beachbody’s Super Saturday event where Sagi got to meet the Things! This was quite an adventure, to say the least. There were film crews, photographers, Top Ten coaches, Leaders, the CEO of Beachbody (Carl Daikeler), the trainer for Body Beast (Sagi Kalev), and 230 coaches in the room for the business meeting and the live workout after. Gregg, the kids and I packed into the car at 7:30 am and man-oh-man I was impressed with us. We had to be there at 10:30 am (Gregg had an interview with Carl before the event) and our departure time put us in Alpena at 9:45. Perfect!!!!

Until we got about 25 minuets into our drive and realized I forgot my purse and Gregg forgot the card we put the room on. I was nauseated. My forgetfulness was going to cost Gregg his once-in-a-lifetime interview with Carl. I felt like I was going to cry. My 7-year-old son (Thing 1) was crying. He did NOT want to do the drive again. My 5-year-old son (Thing 2) began crying shortly after–mostly cuz the emotions were at an all time high in the car as we raced back from where we had just left. We flew into the driveway, grabbed our forgotten items, ran back to the car and hit the road again.

I said a silent prayer thanking God when the GPS displayed we would arrive in Alpena at 10:33 am. When Gregg had me pull up the itinerary via his cell phone and it revealed that 10:30 was a “soft” start time, I broke down and cried. Thank you, God, for somehow allowing my human error to be a mild inconvenience and not derailing the whole day!

After a few emergent stops on the side of the road (a boy’s gotta go when a boy’s gotta go and it’s not like we were traveling a heavily populated area) we finally arrived at our destination of Alpena Community College at 10:42 am. WHEW! I dropped Gregg off and took the Things to the babysitter’s house, exchanged cell numbers, said a silent prayer that this was the right thing to do (I have never just left them like this before…it was uncomfortable for me), got back into the car and arrived on time for the event kickoff. The meeting was amazing for me. I learned much and was once again reconnect with my passion for why I am a Beachbody coach–ever watching the clock knowing I wanted to pick them up in time for us to do the group workout with Sagi.

I got to the sitter’s to retrieve the kids and returned to the event. We were walking down the halls of the college when we heard Sagi on stage. Thing 1 stopped dead in his tracks and the dimples were flashing. His eyes, dancing and bright like I usually only see them after Santa arrived, turned to me and asked who that was. When I told him what he already knew a soft smile crept on his face. We meandered through the hallway and stood in the back of the room to hear this unusually muscular man speak in a very soothing tone and share some incredibly powerful thoughts, concepts, beliefs, and ideas. I snuck Thing 1 quietly down the aisle and let him take my seat next to Gregg then went back up to hang with Thing 2, who was in a riveting game of Angry Birds on my cell phone.

Words of encouragement from Sagi Kalev

After the event concluded, we all hurriedly changed into workout clothes and went to the gymnasium. Thing 1 was actively engaged and cheering us on most of the time. Thing 2 continued his  riveting game of Angry Birds on the side of the gym floor. Sagi CRUSHED us with his live workout!!!  The photo at the top of this blog was taken post workout and Thing 1 was beyond excited when Sagi pointed to Thing 1’s bicep and exclaimed in amazement how big his bicep was. That. Made. His. Day. The joy in Thing 1’s face made mine.

Sagi joined the Beachbody crew for dinner after and my son continued to circle Sagi and watch him from afar. He was joyous when Sagi gave him a high five, low five, and a knuckle bump out the door. It was so cool to watch!!!!

Here’s the deal. I know I love Beachbody. I know how it has deeply and permanently positively changed my life and am forever grateful for that. That said, watching how Beachbody has rippled through to my children leaves my heart touched. My eyes teary. My smile soft. I know I’ve made huge mistakes with the boys and that I’ve many more to make in their lives. I cannot change that. I can, however, take tremendous pride in what I do well with them. Teaching them about food. Encouraging them to exercise in a way that’s fun for them. Sharing the personality types with them and teaching them their own style as well as those around them. Pointedly giving them lessons in tempering their own personality style to match those around them and how to speak the other’s language. Life changing stuff here, people.

So when Thing 2 was struggling to buckle his seat belt and Thing 1 leans over, smiles, and says, “C’mon! Beast Up! You gotta have FUN with it!!” it helps me remember that I’m putting forward a great example for them. That, my friend, is good enough for today.


I'm a 44-year old mom of 2 boys that are 10 & 7. I built my business while working full time and have my own business with Beachbody...a company that changed my life for the best. I love to point out the obvious. People amuse and amaze me. I have a cape and tights that I typically misplace but I'll leap from the tall building anyway, and figure it out on my way down. The joy in life is the journey.


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