Ultimate Reset–Day 5. Kidneys actually do stuff!

My verbal ramblings on Day 5 Reset (click here to see my youtube on today’s experience)

Menu for Day 5

Who knew? Kidneys actually do stuff!!!!! I vaguely remember learning something about this the bazillion times I took Biology in high school (and repeatedly through college) but still had to go ask my omniscience friend Google what kidneys did. And how to detox ’em. And it became abundantly clear that my misery is direct payback for theirs. Well played, kidneys. Well played…

That said, my hunger switch also got flipped in the last 5 days. What. The. Hell. I rather liked not knowing when I was hungry as I could just go about my life without the rude interruption of having to stop and eat cuz, if I didn’t, unattended food my be absconded. Kinda like when your kid is potty training and you have to go on a road trip and you try talking them back into diapers so you don’t have to stop 2,469 times in a 3 hour trip. Wow…there I go again on another tangent.

Also, looking at my thesaurus style language, perhaps the Reset awakens all those English classes I slept through?


Decent energy. Got some major housework done today. Other than the uninvited hunger pains, my mood seems to be okay (or perhaps everyone around me is afraid to say anything to the contrary). My dreams are SWEET!!! Totally vivid. I actually had a dream about rearranging my utensil drawer and then (you guessed it) woke up and did it.

Can’t wait to see what Day 6 brings!!!

2 more days in this phase then onto Detox where I’m sure the fun will merely just intensify.

Hit me up with comments, questions, or additional ramblings.

Stacey Hanna

Relationships are a big deal.

Relationships are important. With your kids. Friends. Coworkers. Loved ones. Family. Self. My relationship with others creates a self-perception (work with me on this one). People in my life view me a certain way–some see me as motivational. Some see me as positive. Others see me as random. Their perception of me is widely based on their exposure to me (facebook, real life, work, high school, etc.) and what I choose to allow them to see. So….they have a perception of me. I, in turn, have a perception of how I’m perceived. I try to see me the way you see me.

Left to my own devices, I’m pretty mean to myself. I’m very critical–always have been–and have spent the bulk of my life trying to make sure you like me. It was so important that you approved of me that I would

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Don’t sacrifice what you want most for what you want at the moment

Getting healthy can be a challenge. I know, it sounds simple enough in concept, right? Eat less–exercise more. But the reasons WHY we eat are so HUGE. We tend to discount and dismiss them and, in my never to be humble opinion, that’s the worst thing we can do. It’s right up there with bringing a knife to a gun fight. A gallon of lighter fluid to a blazing inferno you’re trying to extinguish. A candle to a table at midnight when you’re trying to avoid moths. I think you’re getting my point…….

Getting your mind right will

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Self Sabotage, Self Loathing & Stepping out of my own way

I’ve just recently learned to like myself. The cool thing is that, yes, you can learn to like yourself and stop hating yourself. Yes, you can push those ugly thoughts aside and find a way to look at yourself and actually smile. The bad news is that it requires a LOT of work. Determination. Perseverance. Oh…and a lot of support. I wouldn’t recommend going down that dark path without backup–some friends or resources that will light your path in front of you, hug you when you need it, and gently encourage you to keep going because you’re worth it.

I’ve spent years in therapy working on me and have invested

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Believe in me…cuz I often don’t

Believe in me because I often do not

I just ran my first 5k without stopping. This was HUGE for me. HUGE. And when I say “just” I mean on Thanksgiving…a few days ago. Imagine my surprise when I found myself in line to sign up for the Bayshore half-marathon that will be held on May 26, 2012. How did this happen, you ask? Why would I make such a leap from finally running 3 miles without stopping to committing to a 13 mile run?

Because no one told me that I couldn’t.

We all have voices in our heads. Voices that

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Holiday Traditions (and a Turkey Trot)

Holidays can be a time of great joy or great angst for people. It’s often forgotten that others may feel differently about a holiday than others and I want to take a moment (as a person experiencing great change) to encourage patience and understanding for those that experience change, are forced into new traditions, or walk willingly into new traditions.

Thanksgiving has always been my most favorite of holidays. My kids ask me why it’s not Christmas and my answer is simple: Thanksgiving is one day that is set aside to be grateful and appreciative of what we have. It’s not about getting stuff or giving stuff–it’s an opportunity to truly sit back and be thankful for what we have (and sometimes, what we do not have). We are taking time to

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