Body Beast: Total Body #^%* Stress

Stress is a killer. Normally, I’m pretty good at balancing life and keeping perspective but, every once in a while, it does a sneak attack and takes me out. My dreams have been plentiful and horrifying, my sleep fitful, my day job stressful, I miss the heck out of my kids and have 2 more full days until I get them back, my Beachbody biz is awesome–but I want more, leadership may come naturally to some but it’s still work no matter how you cut it and leading my team of Beachbody coaches is stressing me out, my body has put on the fat & pounds (like it’s supposed to do) but it’s not coming off the way I want it to (but it is coming off), we have a road trip with the boys coming up for the Beachbody Super Saturday event in Alpena, and a film crew hanging at my house. Yeah, I’ve got stress.

But…we all do. The trick is managing dealing with it. Avoid allowing stress to snap your usual triggers–food, booze, drugs, avoiding people, and skipping working out to name a few. Talking about it, exercising, any activity that reduces your stress (knitting, gardening, kick boxing, walking, Bible, writing in your journal, cleaning, family, petting your dog, etc) are healthy ways to push that stress aside and give those elevated hormone levels someplace to go that isn’t going to set your progress back.

If you’ve ever been under stress, you know what I’m saying. I’d love to help you on your journey–your path to a better you. We do better when we know better and we can all learn from each other. I’d love to hear from you and how you handle stress and how your life is going.

Want to workout with me? That’d be AWESOME. Hit me up.

Stacey Hanna

Body Beast What would u do if film crews were in your home?

Today’s Tangent: The point of doing Body Beast is to add mass. I am adding the mass but the weight around my mid section is starting to be a struggle. I get in my head and self-sabotage.

Which leads me to my point of today:
“Don’t sacrifice for what you want the most for what you want at the moment”.

Point Being: Last night, we went out mainly because we had not gone out for a while. We ate and drank things that we normally do not. Now-today…I am miserable. I sacrificed my goals of being productive this weekend as well as slimming my waist for going out last night

Body Beast Can’t spend $$ on a workout Go for free stuff

Getting healthy does not need to be expensive. Do you have a gaming system that has an activity game? Can you take a walk or take a light jog.

Repeat after me: Don’t let money stand between you and a better version of you.

There are lots of options out there that are little to no cost.

You can get creative and still start on your journey of getting healthy.

If you are at the point where you can invest in a Beachbody Workout-then do it! Don’t let excuses or procrastination be the reason you don’t start working out!

Today’s workout is Body Beast Shoulders!

Body Beast Choices+Time= Results (the bad ones, too)

Did you eat like crap for dinner last night? Get over it. That one meal does not mean that you’re destined for a terrible life. Shake it off and get back in the game. Eat better the next time. You’ve got this!!!!!! A bad food choice isn’t a death sentence–as long as you do it periodically and from time-to-time. If you make those choices regularly (drive thru when you’re out of time, processed frozen meals for the bulk of your meals, dining out without tweaking the menu, candy, sugar, soda pop/Coke/pop, and the like done regularly over time will absolutely negatively impact your life. So–don’t do it. Make better choices when you can. Eat a healthy snack a couple of hours after a bad meal. You can do this!!!

Do you need help? Let me know. That’s why I’m here.

Stacey Hanna

Body Beast Motivation, Inspiration & Accountability

I recorded this before I heard from my friend Vince. Sadly, Vince reported the following, “A year ago I hesitated to reach out to an old fraternity brother from college. I saw a picture of him after his daughter was born exactly a year ago last week. He was very overweight and obviously needed help. I didn’t reach out. I didn’t reach out.
How tough would it have been to send him a message, an invite, a video link, a text, anything. I didn’t reach out. I’m so sorry I didn’t reach out. Maybe his little girl would have a daddy to take her to school on her first day if I would have reached out. Rest in peace brother Kirk. I should have reached out. 🙁 ”

Many of us are searching for “something.” If I can help you with your “something” please allow me the honor to do so. I do not want you to live a life of regret wishing you’d made other choices and I don’t want to live a life of regret wishing I had reached out to you.

Consider this your reach out. Consider this your invitation to allow me to work with you. I would be honored to help you on your journey and get you on a path filled with satisfaction and eager expectation rather than remorse and regret.

Let’s do this.

Stacey Hanna

Body Beast Sagi (the trainer) Emailed Me!

I can’t believe it! I had a question re: the nutrition and could NOT find an answer. Out of desperation, I emailed Sagi Kalev, creator and master mind behind Body Beast. He answered me within minutes!!! When I told him how much I appreciated his time, he told me that every single one of us matters.

What a great guy!!!!! No ego there…just a willing spirit. What a blessing!

And, to top it all off, I’m going to see him in Alpena, Michigan for the Super Saturday event on 9/29 and I GET A HUG! WOOT!!! The Things are going with us that weekend and are so excited to go to a Beachbody party AND meet Sagi.

“Ya gotta have FUN with it!”

Stacey Hanna