Ultimate Reset Day 1 Fat Girl Pants

Ultimate Reset Day 1 is a success! Well, at the end of Day 1, I can tell you it is a success and I can also tell you it did NOT start out that way. You see, I took my measurements, weight, body fat and PHOTOS at the start of the day. Sigh. What a depressing moment that is. I’m the heaviest I’ve been in years and wearing my fat girl pants and NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT. Maybe you can relate? Do you have a range of sizes to choose from in your closet or are do you only have one size of clothing in your closet? I have a range. My range is what many of you would consider “thin” but I have no problem telling you that when I’m squeezing into the highest size in my spectrum, I feel anything but thin. It’s such a bad mental game. It’s even more out-of-body when I hear women pay me a compliment regarding my figure. I stand there for a moment looking at them and wondering, “Is she seriously talking to me? Is she being sarcastic?” and then look over my shoulder to see if she’s talking to someone behind me. Sigh. We have such a perception of what the “perfect woman” is supposed to look like and unfortunately come up short all too often. Crazy, right? Anyhoo, there I am in a two-piece swim suit that used to fit a LOT more flattering with my measurements and weight fresh on my mind while I pose for my “before” picture. Sigh. At this writing, I’ve not looked at them yet. I felt so sad…so defeated. And, you know what? THAT IS CRAP. People are NOT meant to feel that way about themselves. Ever. Period. I don’t care what size you are–loving who you are is so important. For me, my issues with my current size are due to my choices. I know better yet don’t DO better. That’s why I ‘m here my friends. That’s why I’m at Day 1 of Ultimate Reset. So I can make better choices with the knowledge I have. I think it’s more that every time I squeeze into jeans I remember the far too many times I ate out, ate poorly, drank too much, skipped meals, and more of my typical shenanigans.


Why Ultimate Reset

I choose this program above all others because it’s so regimented there’s no room for dialogue. My brain and I cannot get into a tug of war over which food to eat/not eat cuz it’s all spelled out there in the dang book. Day 1 Phase 1 Breakfast, Lunch, Snack, and Dinner. What to drink. When to drink it. When not to drink it. When to take your supplements. What the supplements do for me. Oh yeah, my friend. We’re talking Food 101 here. If you’re looking for a Nutritional Boot Camp–here it is, friend. And this, right now, is EXACTLY what I need. There is even a YouTube video produced by Beachbody to help you prep every single meal. How cool is that?

Critic, Coach or Cheerleader


I was rocking out to Body Beast: Bulk Chest this morning and was thinking of you and this message so I figured God wanted me to share it…here we go.

We’ve all got voices in our heads (some more than others and you’ll probably actually hear me conversing with mine but I digress) and I want to talk about a couple of them for a moment. My therapist gave me this tool years ago and I love it and wanted to share with you in case it blesses you. If you pay any attention to me at all, you know that I know that who we are begins with what we think.

Your thoughts become words that you tell yourself…your mouth speaks them…your feet hear them and then follow them. You are, in fact, what you think.

Which of the 3 voices you listen to is extremely important as to how you feel about yourself and in turn treat others. The critic is picky and never satisfied. The critic will find fault in all and is very vocal about their findings. The cheerleader thinks you’re the best thing since sliced bread and can’t say enough nice things about you. The cheerleader RAVES about your awesomeness and tells the world. The coach is in between the two–finding what you did well, sharing an opportunity for improvement, then swatting you on the butt and sending you back onto the field.

Which voice you listen to is your choice.

Yes, you read that correctly. YOU choose which one you listen to and how much time and real estate you give them in your mind. Choose wisely.

Do me a favor, would you? Please post a question for me in the area of fitness or nutrition. Something you’re struggling with or need help with and I’ll see if I can answer you or support you. I figure maybe you’re looking for a cheerleader? Give me a legit question and I’ll put your name in for a drawing of a cool prize. That’s cool, right? Drawing will be done on or around 6/1/13. You know I love to hear from you so…let me see if I can help you in return.

Have a blessed day!

Stacey Hanna

Do you need a push to get your mind right?


Sometimes we need a push. Sometimes we need a pull. Sometimes we need a hug. It’s all good (and it all varies). If you’ve got an event coming up and need a bit of support–that’s what I’m here for. If you don’t have an event coming up but are just sick and tired of generally feeling sick and tired–I can help with that, too.

This is more than a number on a scale. This is more than a jean size. This is about how you feel about you. How you feel living inside your own skin.

I’d be honored to help you feel good about all of it. Let me know if you’d like that, too.

Stacey Hanna

Turbo Fire: Fire 30 Falling apart to get put back together

It’s a new year with a new flip camera. Part of this new year is me doing Chalene’s 30 Day Push Challenge. It’s a 30 Day Challenge to help me to get more accomplished as well as be more productive.

Since I have Chalene’s voice in my head with the videos from the 30 Day Challenge, I have returned to my soul mate workout-Turbo Fire.

For me, Turbo Fire represents an emotional journey. In 2010, my life was falling apart but that’s when I started Turbo Fire. There is a saying goes “Life has to fall apart so it can be put together.” There has been a lot of change-both good and bad.

Re-doing these workouts brings me back to 2010. It helps me see where I was back then and where I am now. The best thing with these workouts, they do not expire-you can do them over and over.

Are you at the point where you need to get your life back on track? Is your life falling apart? Well I can help you put it back together starting with your health and nutrition.

Happy New Year?

http://www.Commitment2Fitness.com I’m jumping on board the enthusiasm train and riding the wave of excitement and using January 1st to launch me into some new behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs. You feel me? Why wouldn’t ya, right?

So many resolve. So many wake up on January 1st and think that the skills,dedication, plan, and desire will magically be there. Let me go all Dr. Phil on you for a moment but…how’s that working for you? I’m going on a limb here but I’m fairly certain there’s no Motivation Fairy or Determination Fairy and, if it’s to be done, it’s to be done by you and with purpose. It’s to be done by finding your dream, then breaking it into goals, then breaking it into daily activities.

If you have the desire and I have the skills, I’ll share what I know with you. I’ve got hundreds of people here to support, encourage, educate and push you. Just say the word.

Perfection? Not a chance. Improvement? Absolutely.

Let’s do this, okay? Allow me the honor of helping you on your journey. Let’s make 2013 different than all the others and the launching pad for some great years to come.

Happy New Year!

Stacey Hanna

New Year’s Resolutions. Need help? Say yes!

It’s nearly the new year and many people get all whackadoo with resolutions and decide that the next year is going to be different than the previous year but don’t make a plan to make it happen. They think they’re going to wake up on January 1st and simply will their way to success.

Let me know how that works out for you.

I’ve got hundreds of people banding together to make their dream a reality. Won’t you join us? Aren’t you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Annoyed with stepping over the piles of clutter on your floor and in your minds? Annoyed with your clothing STILL not fitting correctly even though it’s been on your wish list every year?

It doesn’t have to be like that. Not anymore. Not ever again, actually.

Come join us and learn life skills. This isn’t a diet. This isn’t a 90-day thing. This is your life we’re talking about and I’m tired of playing around. Let’s get serious. Let’s get a plan together. Let’s link arms and GO FOR IT.

If you’re ready I’m all in. Let’s do it!

Stacey Hanna