I’m Enough


One Day She Said I’m Enough …

SON OF A NUTCRACKER. I’ve gained 20 pounds since my last annual appointment (yes, even after the 10 that I lost the last couple of weeks I’ve still hung onto 20). After a very open and honest conversation with my doctor I figured the same honesty may help some of you, too? So…here we go. Grab a glass of water—this could take a minute to get through.

Life is GREAT and I am ecstatic about my life changes this past year but those life changes had an effect on my health—and not all in great ways. It’s weird to be ridiculously happy and yet depressed in the same breath.

We made the decision for me to go full-time Beachbody last June as I was making myself crazy trying to “do it all”. My Beachbody business lifts my spirits and adds joy to my life—human resources and regularly disciplining and firing people did not. The choice was an obvious one—it was time for me to let go of what I’ve busted my ass to build a reputation and a career on and move onto a healthier mental state. I walked. I didn’t look back and yet didn’t pay attention to the emotional roller coaster that accompanied that decision.

We got married in July and I changed my last name. I did not give this enough emotional credit, either. I dismissed the darker emotions that came with those decisions. I had vehemently stated I was (a) not getting married again and was (b) not changing my name again. “I was born a Hanna and will die a Hanna” was my mantra. Then I fell head over heels in love and decided to do both. They were incredible decisions and I’m proud of both of them—but didn’t allow myself to feel the weight of either choice. You see, sometimes there’s bad stuff mixed in with the best of times. “It was the best of times. It was the worst of times…”

The last half of 2014 was a dark place for me and yet I didn’t want anyone to know it so I stuffed it deep in the wormholes in my mind (not a good idea, by the way). I barely ate. My sleep was haunted by nightmares. I was drinking daily—and often during the day. I stopped exercising. I stopped communicating with friends as I didn’t want them to see me like that. I drank minimal water. I gained weight. I was overwhelmed with the guilt at being a “fitness coach” and overweight. I ate even less food. I drank more alcohol. I drank more caffeine. I hid from all things healthy and trained my brain that food and people were bad and should be avoided. And then…one day I’d had enough.

I’m a “pull myself up by the bootstraps” kinda gal and knew that I had gotten myself into this mess and therefore could get myself out. But not without some really uncomfortably honest conversations with myself, loved ones, doctors—and now you. I’m enough.

I’m down 10 pounds. I’m hand-in-hand with God. I’m eating real food. I’m drinking FAR less booze and caffeine. I’m drinking more water. I’m exercising more often. I’m fully participating in my life again AND IT FEELS GREAT. I’m enough.

I’ve still 20 pounds to lose—but my mind is right and I’m doing the right stuff. When I asked the doctor if she had any recommendations for me other than eat often, move more, and drink more water her reply was, “No.”

There is no magic pill, friend. There is no easy button.

But there is hope. There are choices. You can do this. You are worth it.

I’m enough. I’m here and would love to help you if you can handle my honesty and the kick in the ass that this journey often requires. You in?

Fight Song

I love fight songs. It started back in high school where we would sing loud and proud to “We Will Rock You” at football games. We’d stomp our feet, clap our hands, and sing the fight song with every piece of energy we had. We bonded. We united. We became “us” in the land of us against them. Fight songs rule. The players on the field would hear the crowds roaring in encouragement and feed off the energy and fight for the final goal. Fight for the win.

My current "fight song"
My current “fight song”

Historically, Eminem, Katy Perry, Rhianna, Sara Evans and a few others have joined the voices in my head with their fight songs. But

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Walk in Faith

If not you…then who?
If not now…then when?

I’m tired of hiding from my destiny. Making up the excuses is EXHAUSTING (if you know what I mean by that then please watch the video and follow me). Way back when God created us in our mother’s womb–He had a plan. A BIG plan. A wonderful plan. Then we were born and God gave us the freedom of choice.


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Summit 2013

The cool kids from Crew are posting their video impressions of Summit 2013 so I thought I’d join in the fun. Gregg & I are exhausted…fresh off from a HUGE weekend and an airplane and are running on fumes but we’re hoping our passion comes through for you and helps you understand why we put ourselves through this every year. CUZ IT’S WORTH IT.

Instead of just letting you read about my experience, I am encouraging you to go over to my youtube channel and check it out there.



Forgive the slip ups, brain melts, and giggles as we’re a bit off our rockers–but watch the video and enjoy the ride.

Team Swarm—UNLEASH IT!!!

Ultimate Reset Day 14 Oral Care & New Habits

I have offically hit a mile marker-today is Day 14! No more detox drinks- I am looking forward to hopefully(fingers crossed) my digestive system will start to move!

There is nothing to complain about. My energy level is still great. I’m not hungry which is a bonus when doing a detox.

We are entering a new stage concerning the type of food. The menu getting away from beans as a protein to mainly fruits and veggies.

A surpising development-more time spent on my teeth. Trying to keep all the green pieces from brocolli and other green vegetables out of my teeth.

Improvements are still coming. Mainly how well I am feeling and sleeping. I think a lot of it has to do with me not having caffeine

One day I woke up depressed

One day I woke up depressed

Imagine my shock when one day I woke up depressed. In case you didn’t know, I am a superhero in my own mind. I often claim I own a pair of tights and a cape–even though I’ve usually misplaced them. Hence my complete confusion when I was sitting in my living room on a Sunday night and realized I’m deeply depressed. My surprise comes from the fact that I had no idea. I was truly shocked. I’m a mom of two amazing kids, in a wonderful relationship with a man so perfect for me that I regularly pinch myself, I have a wonderful business as a Beachbody Coach, have over 15-years in my profession, have a collegiate degree in my profession from Michigan State University , and sit as President of a Board of professionals in my area. My life, overall, ROCKS.

What the heck is depressed?!?

I really just thought I was stressed out. I figured my oh-so-crazy life was just taking over and I needed to suck it up and push through. But, as the days went on, much was left undone but depression never occurred to me.

My past has taught me

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