Author: stacey

I'm a 44-year old mom of 2 boys that are 10 & 7. I built my business while working full time and have my own business with Beachbody...a company that changed my life for the best. I love to point out the obvious. People amuse and amaze me. I have a cape and tights that I typically misplace but I'll leap from the tall building anyway, and figure it out on my way down. The joy in life is the journey.

Commitment. Triathlon in Traverse City MI

Me with my boys after last year's triathlon
Me with my boys after last year’s triathlon

DANG IT!!! I did it again. I committed to doing the Traverse City Triathlon then decided I wasn’t going to do it. Then, at the last minute, decided I was going to do it. This would be fine if I was talking about a commitment to mow the lawn, volunteer at a soup kitchen, or recycle every week. Not so much when the commitment is a triathlon. Yet, that’s what I did.

I am a pusher. I challenge people. I get them to do crap they normally wouldn’t do because…let’s face it…we’re all a bunch of insecure chickens at heart. We typically talk ourselves out of doing something long before we’ve even attempted to try it. I believe in you. I know you can do more (and yes, I mean you) than

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Success is a journey


People often look at successful people and think they live a blessed life, lucked into success, or that success was given to them. It’s easy to look at a financially fit person and determine they came from money. It’s common to look at a physically fit person and determine it’s their genes that make them that way. Without knowing better, we can look at a successful marriage and say they don’t have the troubles that we have communicating.

Myth. Myth. Myth.

Success in anything…

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Body Beast: Legs Day 2. Focus on the blessings

Man I woke up grumpy and this is tough for me right now. I’m brand new into Body Beast (a weight training program that is designed to add mass~READ: very little cardio~ and I use cardio to work through my emotions) and I needed an attitude adjustment. BIG TIME. With no cardio to turn to and left to doing Body Beast: Legs; I was skeptical at best.

Turns out…it worked!!!! I was a sweaty mess and was sooooooo focused on my form and lifting heavy that it allowed the stress to go find someone else to bug (sorry if it was you) and I finished feeling energized and ready to take on my week. What a wonderful surprise! The Legs workout pushed me and pushed me hard. It got me to lift heavy. That said, PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR FORM. It’s easy to lift too much with bad form and injure yourself (very bad). If needed, go lighter on your first round of Legs to make sure your form is perfect.

My nutrition? Yeah…struggling like I thought I would. That’s a whole lot of food to eat (approximately 3,000 calories) in a day and I’m a lifelong meal skipper. YOWZA. What a challenge!!! I’m at least feeling hungry–so I got that going for me. Normally, I don’t feel hungry. No…I’m not super human…I’ve taught my body how to starve itself :/ Firing up my metabolism will help me much.

My takeaway as I spent time weaving through my grumpiness…count my blessings. Were there things wrong in my life? Yep. Absolutely. But there were also things that were amazingly wonderful, too. If I allow the crap to pile up on top of what’s good–I’m losing out. So, I force myself to pull the blessings up and out–put them at the top of my list of things to be thankful for–and smile.

Oh–and there is no estrogen in this program. Anywhere. Period. It’s a bunch of men BEASTING UP. It’s totally odd–and I love it. I don’t stare at the TV in awe of the perfect Barbie Doll figures and compare myself in an unhealthy way. I merely try to mirror their form and do my best to UNLEASH IT!

That’s about it. Hit me up. Subscribe to me. Follow me. Shout out that you’re watching. Toss a question at me…let me know you’re there 🙂

Body Beast
Click here for more info or to order Body Beast
Click here for order information on Body Beast

Why in the Heck I am doing Body Beast

Why in the heck is a 41-year-old mom of two boys doing Body Beast? Great question…it took me  a while to get to an answer. You see, my adult life I’ve been fascinated with weight lifting, body building, and watching people change their shape. Since I found Beachbody in 2005, I’ve learned to push myself and see what I’m made of–time and again. After doing P90X, then ChaLEAN Extreme, then Turbo Fire (as well as “dabbling” in countless other programs along the way) one thing I know for sure: I can do more than I ever thought I could.

I’m good at self-doubt. An expert self-loather. That said, really getting serious about ME (both my mental and physical health) opened a LOT of doors in my mind. Whereas before the space in my brain was pretty dark–I’ve learned that I’m in control of the dimmer switch and can let some light in. Gradually over time, I’ve pushed myself out of my comfort zone time and a time and time and time again and live in a much sunnier space. These slight shifts-subtle changes over time–have given me a new spirit. A confidence I’ve never had before. Will I blow you away with my results? I dunno. But I’m gonna blow myself away with my efforts.

My biggest pending challenge will NOT be tossing the weights around.

It’s going to be…(click continue reading to keep going)

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Ultimate Reset–Day 5. Kidneys actually do stuff!

My verbal ramblings on Day 5 Reset (click here to see my youtube on today’s experience)

Menu for Day 5

Who knew? Kidneys actually do stuff!!!!! I vaguely remember learning something about this the bazillion times I took Biology in high school (and repeatedly through college) but still had to go ask my omniscience friend Google what kidneys did. And how to detox ’em. And it became abundantly clear that my misery is direct payback for theirs. Well played, kidneys. Well played…

That said, my hunger switch also got flipped in the last 5 days. What. The. Hell. I rather liked not knowing when I was hungry as I could just go about my life without the rude interruption of having to stop and eat cuz, if I didn’t, unattended food my be absconded. Kinda like when your kid is potty training and you have to go on a road trip and you try talking them back into diapers so you don’t have to stop 2,469 times in a 3 hour trip. Wow…there I go again on another tangent.

Also, looking at my thesaurus style language, perhaps the Reset awakens all those English classes I slept through?


Decent energy. Got some major housework done today. Other than the uninvited hunger pains, my mood seems to be okay (or perhaps everyone around me is afraid to say anything to the contrary). My dreams are SWEET!!! Totally vivid. I actually had a dream about rearranging my utensil drawer and then (you guessed it) woke up and did it.

Can’t wait to see what Day 6 brings!!!

2 more days in this phase then onto Detox where I’m sure the fun will merely just intensify.

Hit me up with comments, questions, or additional ramblings.

Stacey Hanna