Tag: ultimate reset

Ultimate Reset Day 3 Down 1 belt notch!

Ultimate Reset Day 3 and I’m down a belt notch! WOOOO HOOOOO!!!! GIDDY UP! I’ll take giving up caffeine and take on making myself eat for those results. How cool is THAT? I’ve no clue if I’ve lost a pound but…does it really matter if the scale moved when my belt notch is moving? Do I give a flying flip what my scale says when I feel great about whittling my middle? Heck no! Clearly, my body is clearly heading further down the path of Ultimate Reset as the aches and pains have settled in as well as my belly flattening out. The aches and pains are the toxins making some noise on their way out of my body but I expected it so I’m okay with it (for the most part).

Energy and Brain Function

Good news! My energy level is naturally rising and my brain cloud is dissipating. Now, this will have an ebb and flow to it and there will be great days and not so great days but today is a good day.

Water, Water, and More Water

Yup. I’m still holding strong at 160-200 ounces of distilled water seasoned with Himalayan Sea Salt daily. Why am I drinking my water this way? It’s in the rules. Duh. Okay, that’s only most of the reason. The rest of the reason is at my blog–go visit it for more info at http://www.Commitment2Fitness.com

Food is Fuel

This isn’t just some alliteration or fun slogan. It’s the truth. Your body literally runs off what you put in it–and what you don’t. My body is already thanking me by increasing my energy and letting me drop a belt notch. Want to get this for yourself? I’d be honored to help you find successes. Let me know when you’re ready–I’ll be here.

Hit me up with comments and questions. See ya tomorrow!

What would you do if you became a Beachbody Coach?

What would you do if you became a Beachbody Coach?

What do Beachbody Coaches get from the business? What’s in it for them? Does it really work? Will it pay off? Allow me to encourage you to check out the video first before reading along.


What would you do if you had a few extra hundo a month?

If you had a few extra hundred bucks a month, what would you do

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Ultimate Reset Day 3

Ultimate Reset Day 3 : Down a belt notch!

Ultimate Reset Day 3

Ultimate Reset Day 3 and I’m down a belt notch! WOOOO HOOOOO!!!! GIDDY UP! I’ll take giving up caffeine and take on making myself eat for those results. How cool is THAT? I’ve no clue if I’ve lost a pound but…does it really matter if the scale moved when my belt notch is moving? Do I give a flying flip what my scale says when I feel great about whittling my middle? Heck no! Clearly, my body is clearly heading further down the path of Ultimate Reset as the aches and pains have settled in as well as my belly flattening out. The aches and pains are the toxins making some noise on their way out of my body but I expected it so I’m okay with it (for the most part). I’m trying to go through this whole experience without taking any over-the-counter medications (ibuprofen, acetaminophen, etc). A suggestion (and a good one at that) is

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Ultimate Reset Day 2 No Caffeine

Ultimate Reset Day 2 No Caffeine makes me a  Grumpy Gal

Ultimate Reset Day 2 No Caffeine (I’m Grumpy Gal)

We recommend starting Ultimate Reset on a Wednesday if you’re a Monday – Friday kinda person because days 3 – 5 tend to be pretty brutal on most people. If you’re not a Monday – Friday type of person, then adjust with the understanding that most struggle with days 3 – 5. Me? I am special. I started being grumpy on Day 2. Well, not really…I mean I’m not postal or anything (yet) I am just short on patience right now. I’m grumpy. Giving up all of my favorite vices in one fell swoop is difficult at best. No caffeine. No exercise. No caffeine. No binge eating. No white wine. No caffeine. Did I mention no caffeine? (I’ll get into that topic more later…). Anyhoooooo, it’s okay that I don’t have the kids this weekend as my patience appears to have left the building. It’s an odd sensation, really. Knowing that I am totally overreacting yet

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Ultimate Reset Day 1 Fat Pants

My experience with Day 1 of Ultimate Reset

Day 1 of Ultimate Reset

Ultimate Reset Day 1 is a success! Well, at the end of Day 1 I can tell you it is a success and I can also tell you it did NOT start out that way. You see,  I took my measurements, weight, body fat and PHOTOS at the start of the day. Sigh. What a depressing moment that is. I’m the heaviest I’ve been in years and wearing my fat girl pants and NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT. Maybe you can relate? Do you have a range of sizes to choose from in your closet or are do you only have one size of clothing in your closet? I have a range. My range is what many of you would consider “thin” but I have no problem telling you that when I’m squeezing into the highest size in my spectrum, I feel anything but thin. It’s such a bad mental game. It’s even more out-of-body when I hear

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