Tag: stacey05

Why in the Heck I am doing Body Beast

Why in the heck is a 41-year-old mom of two boys doing Body Beast? Great question…it took me  a while to get to an answer. You see, my adult life I’ve been fascinated with weight lifting, body building, and watching people change their shape. Since I found Beachbody in 2005, I’ve learned to push myself and see what I’m made of–time and again. After doing P90X, then ChaLEAN Extreme, then Turbo Fire (as well as “dabbling” in countless other programs along the way) one thing I know for sure: I can do more than I ever thought I could.

I’m good at self-doubt. An expert self-loather. That said, really getting serious about ME (both my mental and physical health) opened a LOT of doors in my mind. Whereas before the space in my brain was pretty dark–I’ve learned that I’m in control of the dimmer switch and can let some light in. Gradually over time, I’ve pushed myself out of my comfort zone time and a time and time and time again and live in a much sunnier space. These slight shifts-subtle changes over time–have given me a new spirit. A confidence I’ve never had before. Will I blow you away with my results? I dunno. But I’m gonna blow myself away with my efforts.

My biggest pending challenge will NOT be tossing the weights around.

It’s going to be…(click continue reading to keep going)

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