Tag: feel good about myself

Ultimate Reset Day 1 Fat Pants

My experience with Day 1 of Ultimate Reset

Day 1 of Ultimate Reset

Ultimate Reset Day 1 is a success! Well, at the end of Day 1 I can tell you it is a success and I can also tell you it did NOT start out that way. You see,  I took my measurements, weight, body fat and PHOTOS at the start of the day. Sigh. What a depressing moment that is. I’m the heaviest I’ve been in years and wearing my fat girl pants and NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT. Maybe you can relate? Do you have a range of sizes to choose from in your closet or are do you only have one size of clothing in your closet? I have a range. My range is what many of you would consider “thin” but I have no problem telling you that when I’m squeezing into the highest size in my spectrum, I feel anything but thin. It’s such a bad mental game. It’s even more out-of-body when I hear

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