Turbo Fire | Workout Therapy

Turbo Fire | Workout Therapy

Turbo Fire is Workout Therapy. Life can get challenging. Difficult. Overwhelming at times and we all have our own ways of coping. My vice when life gets hard? Turbo Fire. Yeah yeah yeah…I have bad habits too but when I am in that bad of a slump Turbo Fire seems to set me right. There’s something magical of punching the hell out of the air and kicking the snot out of the wind all the while hearing a powerful voice tell you that you’re doing a great job and that you can do more and a funky beat in the backgroun. That’s what Chalene Johnson does for me; encourages me to do more.

Life is life. Death is a part of life. I get that. And yes, my Aunt Bea was in her 80s but do not even….for one second….expect that some half-hearted condolences of “she lived a good life” will be enough to fill that void. Instead, allow me to suggest you simply offer, “I’m so sorry” and leave the person to their grief. But I digress…

Beachbody programs are more than an exercise program. They’re a lifestyle change–if you let it happen. It’s about building relationships and linking together to change as many lives for the better along the way. We’re about offering hope. We’re about mobilizing people to go after their dreams–both physically by working out and mentally by breaking through barriers in their lives.

If you have barriers and are looking for a way out…if you’re looking to improve how you look on the outside to match how you feel on the inside…if you’re looking to find a group of people that have linked arms and are working toward changing lives–one life at a time—then join us. We’re here to help you change your life–if you let us.

I’d be honored to help you on your way.

Stacey Hanna