Body Beast Choices+Time= Results (the bad ones, too)
Did you eat like crap for dinner last night? Get over it. That one meal does not mean that you’re destined for a terrible life. Shake it off and get back in the game. Eat better the next time. You’ve got this!!!!!! A bad food choice isn’t a death sentence–as long as you do it periodically and from time-to-time. If you make those choices regularly (drive thru when you’re out of time, processed frozen meals for the bulk of your meals, dining out without tweaking the menu, candy, sugar, soda pop/Coke/pop, and the like done regularly over time will absolutely negatively impact your life. So–don’t do it. Make better choices when you can. Eat a healthy snack a couple of hours after a bad meal. You can do this!!!
Do you need help? Let me know. That’s why I’m here.
Stacey Hanna