Body Beast: Beast Cardio Be the best you you can be
Today was Beast Cardio which we decided to do at our Weekly Fit Club. Are you ready for this! This workout is CARDIO with WEIGHTS-how crazy is that! I wasn’t prepared for that so we did not do it with the weights. I was able to get the moves down.
My metabolism is kicking in. I am able to actually eat. I have to be sensitive though because the calories are high in one setting between 500 to 700. It’s a lot to consume and get use to, so I am grazing until the meal is done.
I am realizing with trying to get hit the right amount of calories this one point. You have to be the best you can be! As long as you are working on developing woo you are and trying to make better choices-than you are doing an amazing things! Setbacks, mistakes and obstacles will come-but the important thing is to not give up!